Horses With A History
Ranch & Performance Horse Production Sale

12th Biennial Ranch and Performance
Horse Production Sale
Thanks to Western Video Market, in partnership with DV Auction, we will have ONLINE BIDDING for the sale this year. See below for more info.
Saturday, October 7th, 2023
Preview at 10:30AM, sale will follow
21501 Road 400
Madera, CA
David Gill (559) 647-5619
Jim Wheatley (209) 613-1135
Joe Murray (209) 613-6310
Guest Consigners:
Joe Clarot (209) 678-5030
Dan Erickson (719) 468-9374
Tyler Holzum (209) 499-7955
For catalog information, contact Kaci Gill
(661) 304-5362
NEW THIS YEAR - pre-register for in-person bidding!
Pre-register by Friday, October 6th at 5:00PM PST

Watch and bid online for FREE!
Go to to register.
1. Complete and submit the form on "Create New DV Auction account"
2. Apply for bidding by clicking "apply for bidding" in the upper left of your screen at least 24 HOURS PRIOR to the auction.
3. Tune into the sale and make your purchase!
You will receive and email message to activate your account. Once the account has been activated, be sure to log back in prior to the sale to confirm your profile has been set up correctly.
Directions to the sale:
From N. Hwy 99:Take the Central Madera exit to 4th Street and turn LEFT. Proceed to Gateway Ave. and turn RIGHT. From there go to Yosemite Ave. and turn LEFT. Go through town to Road 33 and turn LEFT. Drive to Road 400 and turn RIGHT. You will see signs for the corrals and they will be on your LEFT. ​From S. Hwy 99:Take the Madera exit and travel North to Yosemite Ave. Take a RIGHT. Go through town to Road 33 and turn LEFT. Drive to Road 400 and turn RIGHT. You will see signs for the corrals and they will be on your LEFT.

Terms & Conditions
Bidders must register with the cashiers/sales office and obtain a buyer number before the sale begins. YOU MUST HAVE A BUYER’S NUMBER TO PURCHASE HORSES.
Phone bidders MUST pre-register and obtain a buyer’s number BEFORE THE SALE BEGINS. Phone bidders must provide cashiers/sale office with the needed information in order to receive a buyer number. A valid credit card will be required to have on file before the sale begins and/or before bidding on a horse.
After the horse is purchased and leaves the sale ring, it will be returned to its assigned consignor stalling area. A Stable Release MUST be presented to the Consignor or agent for owner for the release of horse. TO OBTAIN A STABLE RELEASE, the Buyer must settle up with the sale office/cashier after purchasing a horse.
Please be reminded that the title passes at the fall of the hammer, at which time the purchaser assumes all risk and responsibility for the horse. ALL HORSES MUST BE REMOVED FROM THE SALE PREMISES BY MIDNIGHT IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE CONCLUSION OF THE SALE. Horses remaining at that time are left at the buyer’s risk and are the buyer’s responsibility. Any delays in shipment of horses must be approved by the sales office and/or the corresponding consignors.
Horses do not come with a health certificate and/or a negative Coggins. If the purchased horse will be going out of state, there will be a veterinarian available to perform the necessary services needed at the buyer’s expense.
Acceptable payment methods are cash, checks, cashier checks or major credit cards (VISA, Mastercard, AMEX). A 3% convenience fee will be charged for all credit card payments. Cardholder must present and show proper identification to the cashier.
We STRONGLY encourage buyers to thoroughly examine horses that interest them before sale begins as SALES ARE ABSOLUTE and FINAL. Horses are sold at buyers’ risk, expense and responsibility from the time of purchase.
Unless expressly announced from the auction stand, or by official publication by the consignor, or a hereinafter provided, there is NO warranty of guarantee of any kind as to the soundness of condition or other quality of any horse sold in this sale.
Registration papers will be transferred to buyers by sale management. Buyers will be charged a transfer fee based on their current membership status with the American Quarter Horse Association (see below). Transfer slips will be completed on sale day but will not be submitted to the American Quarter Horse Association until all payments have cleared. Once all monies have cleared, the registration papers and corresponding transfer reports will be sent directly to the AQHA office in Amarillo, TX for processing. Buyers will be charged the current AQHA transfer fee on their Bill of Sale invoice.
2023 AQHA Transfer Fee for Current Member = $40
2023 AQHA Transfer Fee for Non Member (includes Transfer & 1 year membership) = $105